I recently stopped off at one of
my favourite places, Marulan, a little village off the main highway between
Sydney and Canberra. It has some interesting history, including bushrangers
holding up traffic travelling north to Sydney from the Southern goldfields. Each
time I stop there I take the chance to draw some of the historic buildings on
its main street, adding to my Marulan set in an 8 x 5” Moleskine.

I can never resist a tin shed … something about the rust? Certainly they have character! And I love the old Billy Tea signage on it.
The Victorian Stone Shop beside it was a grocery store, with a blacksmith’s at the back. The front gable has a window used when heavy stores were winched to the loft from the horse drawn wagon below. I read that at one time there was even a skating rink at the rear of the shop!
are still more buildings for me to draw next time I pass through … a good excuse to go on a road trip again!