On Sunday, Sydney Sketch Club enjoyed an event, ArtAlong, I joined it as an invited artist by North Sydney Council. There, people can enjoy watching local artists working on paintings on a pavement. The event (9am-3pm) is a painting competition at
the same time.

People showed a great interest in my sketching. My idea to display original and copied works on "boards"

Passerbys often looked at my other works and picked up business cards. We really enjoyed lots of chats. Some friends came to see me. Later, the staff told me that my stall became quite popular among watchers and tourists. I was too busy to realise it. I could not look at other artists.
I often enjoyed a chat too much and might be a bit distracted.
BUT the point was to communicate people there. I do not need to make a masterpiece everytime or all the time.

Only the problem was...we, human beings cannot keep a laugh or a smile for minutes = we go back be serious soon!

When I sketch people...I feel the same above.
Of course, I had a great fun today, but also these sketches are my prayers. I hope I will keep on and learn lots.

Happy painting & have a nice week!!