No matter which direction you looked, you could see urban sketchers in action!

As always, there was an impressive collection of sketches done during the morning.
Here are few:


I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to do 5 sketches, so I did 5 thumbnails, and then focused on one corner cafe for the sketch. It was a good way to record the experience of sketching in this unique location at Five Ways, Paddington.

Gusto – my first sketch. I was trying to think as much about maintaining a focal point as possible using the darkness inside the doorway for this, but then also wanted to give the feel of the liveliness and the warm weather which is why I extended out to the people on the sidewalk as well.
Lady and her dog – again all the outside dining in the area gives the place a lovely vibe and people with their dogs seems to add an air of friendliness and that it’s a locals spot to walk from home with their dog and have a coffee. I was also looking to have a break from drawing lines at this stage and just play with colours and shapes and paint.

This is Gusto Cafe at Five Ways. The diners were what attracted me to this scene. The pole was a bonus!

I wanted to sketch the view from each of the five corners and knew that in the time frame it would be impossible to use my normal ink and wash. So I left my paint tin in my bag and just used my pen instead. I managed a 6th sketch while waiting for my takeaway coffee. To see all the sketches larger please visit my blog here
Next month's USK SYD meeting:
Saturday 11th April The plan is to do a sketch walk around the recently opened Gehry building at UTS (Dr Chau Chak Wing Building) and the vertical gardens at Sydney's One Central Park.
Please email Liz lizsteel(at) gmail (dot) com to join the mailing list for details.