this Saturday is the last sketchabout in the Botanic Gardens AND it is also an international sketchcrawl day... Our plans are:
Official meet up time will be 11am at the Opera House (in the middle of the steps at the front). We can work our way, either individually or in small groups, from there around the water's edge up to have a quick lunch from say 12.15 at the café in the centre of the Botanic Gardens near the Lotus Pond. As sketchcrawl coincides with the last of the 6 weekends of the Autumn of the Arts Garden Sketchabout we will join the public sketchers at the Garden Shop at 1pm for another 2 hours with the group show n tell at 3pm.
More details about the Botanic Gardens Sketchabout - http://gardensketchabout.blogspot.com/
I will be starting my day with morning refreshments at 10am at Tara Tearoom located at 33 George Street in The Rocks - just behind the Irish Design Shop where the weekend markets are held - and anyone interested in seeing the wonderful tea cosies that I am addicted to drawing is welcome to join me for tea and scones...they also do coffee as well! More information is available at http://www.irishdesign.com.au/g/4145/tara-tea-room.html
If you can’t make it all day, do try to make it for the afternoon skechabout in the gardens. This has been a really wonderful sketching event over the past month...and we want to finish off in style!