I tried twice to sketch the Opera House – both times it started raining and it was easier to continue with my umbrella up then to pack up and head for shelter!

Here are some photos of the keenest sketchers David, Lola and me (although I am talking in the first photo and packing up in the second) Thanks to Jennifer and Mike for these photos.

We had 23 sketchers at lunch and then all met up in the Botanic Gardens for the final Garden Sketchabout. We went into the Tropical Centre which was covered from the rain – but still rather wet. Lots of weird and wonderful plants in there. We finished up with an afternoon tea. What a great day!
The Garden Sketchabout has been a wonderful event and despite the fact that we only saw sun 2 out of the 6 weeks (very unusual for Sydney!) we establish a great core group of sketchers. Surprisingly many people were there every week. We also got to explore lesser known parts of our wonderful botanic garden – I still have a long list of places to sketch!! Thanks to the Gardens staff and especially Kerry Brown for hosting such a wonderful sketching event – something that will continue through out the year.
Also there is going to be an exhibition of sketches from the sketchabout next week - check about the sketchabout blog for more details... and if you are in Sydney please come along!
The rest of my sketches from the day (11 spreads in total) are on my blog