Monday, April 8, 2013

USK SYD Newtown Photos

Great day on Saturday despite the rain in are a few photos.

The hardy sketchers sat out the little shower under their umbrellas, others went to the nearby Pie Shop,. At 12.30 we had another wonderful show and tell session - we shared our work standing around in a circle (like the NYC group do) and then got the group photo of the combined sketches afterwards.

It was time then for us all to get out pies (please note these are MEAT pies - yum! they were great) and then a number of people were to be seen in the local art store!
Great day- thanks to all that came and made it such a success!

BTW- Saturday 13 is the International Sketchcrawl and I will be in Melbourne. If anyone in Melbourne is interested in coming along we will be meeting at 10.00  at the giant 'wave' sculpture in between the Art Centre and Hamer Hall. Thanks to a number of local sketchers for helping in the organisation of this. Leave me a message or email at lizsteel (at) gmail (dot) com if you want more details.
attempt at a second one that I didn't finish) This is the most outrageous building! Love it!