We had to wait a while for our fourth day at the zoo due to all the rain we've been having.
Every time we see something different. I'd never seen a turkey dance before. He put on quite a display while we had our lunch. Eventually some turkey-girls turned up, but it took a while.
Last time the spider monkeys weren't so cooperative, but this one stayed near us for some time. A grandma and toddler came along and she said to him,
'What do you think the monkey's name is?' the boy didn't answer, but I decided he was
called Ginge.

As it was quite near Christmas, it was much hotter than previous days. We were looking for a place we'd seen before with beautiful water birds. It took us some time and we were very hot by the time we found them. Worth it though! That's why the map is there - for the next time I go.
Something weird is happening with the spacing.