A few more photos thanks to Erin. I also want to once again thank everyone who came and especially for sharing during our show and tell. I think we all found it very inspirational to hear people share about their techniques and what caught their eye in Union Square. As much as I love comparing notes about 'what pen is that?" " where did you get that sketchbook?" it is good to get beyond that art supply junkie type of conversation and talk about how we actually use the tools!
Sketches from Alissa (click on images to read more about them on flickr)

It was great to meet Peter Rush and see him in action. A number of us have been following his work on flickr for a while.(click on images to read more about them on flickr)

Sketches from Rod (click on images to read more about them on flickr)
Sketches from Ethna
DATE FOR FEB: Saturday 9th. We will do the sketchwalk down Harris St as proposed for January. Details to follow soon.